
Investment in Egypt

24 Jun 2016

Investment in Egypt

Legal Framework :Post 25th of January, 2011 Revolution Direction following Revolution of 25th of January, 2011, Egypt has been heading towards the future in a slightly different track. Political and economic distress has led to significant changes   Read more...

24 Jun 2016

Egyptian Labor Law

Governing Laws and Decrees :Employment matters in Egypt are primarily regulated by the following legislative sources: Read more...

24 Jun 2016

Investment Guarantees and Incentives

In general  : Business entities in Egypt that have been incorporated after the enactment of the Law 8 of 1997 enjoy further guarantees and incentives. Read more...

24 Jun 2016

Import and Export in Egypt

Import :Import is strictly regulated by the Egyptian government permitting Egyptian nationals only and fully owned and managed Egyptian companies to import into Egypt. For importation into Egypt for the purpose of trade, companies/individuals should register with the Register of Importers. Read more...

26 Apr 2016

Compensation upon Termination of Agency & Distributorship Agreements

Foreigners’ business activities are frequently conducted in Egypt by appointing an intermediate commercial agent or an authorized distributor by means of Commercial Agreements. Prior to the effective date of the new Commercial Code, Egyptian Commercial Agency Law was more liberal in comparison with many other jurisdictions. Commercial agency agreements in Egypt could be limited in time and, as a rule, the matter of compensation for termination was to be decided by the mutual consent of both...

24 Mar 2016

Investment Decisions on the export councils

Al Waqa’ea Al Misreya – No. 83 Cont. (A) on 19th April 2014 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Investment Decision No. (267) for 2014 (councils of small exporters and innovated exports)For reformation of the exportation councils for non-traditional exports     Read more...

24 Mar 2016

Decision pertinent to labor

Al Waqa’ea Al Misreya – No. 92 on 22nd April 2014 Ministry of Manpower and Immigration Decision No. 127 for 2014 Minister of Manpower and Immigration Regarding disposition of the collection of pecuniary penalties imposed on workers   Read more...

24 Mar 2016

the System of the Suez Canal Authority

Official Gazette – No. 18 Bis (B) on 6th May 2014 The Presidential Decision by the Law No.34 for the year 2014 of the  System of the  Suez Canal Authority system Regarding the amendment of some Provision for the  Law No. 30 for the year 1975   Read more...

24 Mar 2016

Decision on Taxation of Erected Estates

Al-Waqa’ea Al-Misria – No. 75 (Cont.) on 1st of April 2014 :Ministry of Finance  With the delegation of some competencies  Minister of Finance Decision No. 129 for 2014 .Upon review of the Law of Taxation of the Erected Estates promulgated by the decision of the Minister of Finance No. 493 for the year 2009 and its amendments; and what is demanded by the interest of work;   Read more...

24 Mar 2016


“Liability” means: (mass noun)  The state of being legally responsible for something. (count noun) (usually liabilities) A thing for which someone is responsible, especially an amount of money owed. (usually in singular)A person or thing whosepresence or behavior is likely to put one at a disadvantage:   Read more...

24 Mar 2016

Decision regarding the investing governances of real estate

Al-Waqa’ea Al-Masreya – No. 82 on 9th April 2014 The General Authority of Financial Supervision The Authority’s Board Decision No. 34 for 2014  Dated 12/3/2014 Regarding the investment governances of real estate investment portfolios   Read more...

24 Mar 2016

Understanding decree between Cairo and the EU

Official Gazette – No. 15 on 10th April 2014 The Higher Council of Armed Forces Dec rial Law No. 44 for the year 2011 Understanding signed in Cairo on 11/10/2010   Read more...

24 Mar 2016

The Decision of manpower

Al Waqae’a Al-Masreya – No. 85 on 13th April 2014 Ministry of Manpower and Immigration Ministerial Decision No. 120 for 2014 Minister of Manpower and Immigration   Read more...

24 Mar 2016

Decision pertinent to Standards and Quality

Decisions of the Board of Directors of:The Egyptian General Authority for Standards and Quality Issued by the Board number 310  New – modified – cancelled – updated – adopted – corrected Regarding endorsement of Egyptian standards   Read more...

24 Mar 2016

Egyptian petroleum agreements

During March 2014; the government of  the Arab  Republic of Egypt and the Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum have entered  recently into several concession agreements regarding petroleum exploration and exploitation  with several foreign petroleum companies, such as:   Read more...

24 Mar 2016

Decree regarding the waters of the Nile

Official Gazette – No. 13 Bis (a) on 29 March 2014 Prime Minister Decision No. (514) for the year 2014 regarding the formation of a committee for follow up on the legal aspects pertinent to the Nile’s water and the Ethiopian dams Prime Minister   Read more...

24 Mar 2016

New Investments in Halayeb & Shalateen Area, South Egypt

Official Gazette-No.12 (bis) in 23 March 2014. Decision by the Prime Minister No.489 for the year 2014 The Prime Minister Upon review of the amended constitution promulgated on the eighteenth of January of 2014; and   Read more...

24 Mar 2016

Umbrella agreement to support the agriculture sector projects

Official Gazette – No. (12) on 20 March 2014 – Page (3) Decision of the President of Arab Republic of Egypt No.  (707) for the year 2013 For approving the Umbrella Agreement signed in Cairo on 25/11/2013   Read more...

8 Feb 2016

Difficulties in GOEIC Registration in Egypt

The new ministerial decrees 991/2015 and 43/2016 issued by the Minister of Trade introduced  new measures concerning the registration and certification requirements of the qualified factories/companies which export their products to Egypt. According to the above-mentioned decrees any foreign factory or company, which exports any of the regulated products is obliged to submit the requested documents (after translating into Arabic and legalizing up to the Egyptian consulate in the exporting...

13 Jan 2016

Authentication and Document Legalization in Egypt

Many Egyptians living and working abroad are facing challenges regarding authentication and documents’ legalization in Egypt. The challenges that mainly face Egyptians are the process of authentication and legalization of their documents in the Egyptian Authority and embassies in Egypt. Read more...

1 Jul 2015

Compensation of Agents in Egyptian Law

Commercial Agency Contract is considered to be one of the most common contracts in the commercial area. Such contracts are governed in Egypt by Law No. 120 of the year 1982 (and the Ministry of Economy’s Decision No. 342 of 1982).   Read more...