the System of the Suez Canal Authority

user Youssry Saleh & Partners calender 24 Mar 2016 views 1980 Views

Official Gazette – No. 18 Bis (B) on 6th May 2014 The Presidential Decision by the Law No.34 for the year 2014 of the  System of the  Suez Canal Authority system Regarding the amendment of some Provision for the  Law No. 30 for the year 1975

The  Temporary President

Upon review of the amended constitution  promulgated on 18th January 2014; and

On the  Law No. 30 for the year 1975 with the system of Suez Canal Authority promulgated by the Law No. 4 for the year 1998; and

Upon the  acceptance of the Cabinet; and

Based on what has been sought by the Council of State;


The following Law:

Article  One

The text of the first paragraph of Article (3) of Law No. 30 for the year 1975, regarding the Suez Canal Authority system, shall be replaced by the following text:

Article Three – First Paragraph:

A Decision from the  President of the Republic shall be promulgated regarding the Suez Canal Authority which shall have a Board of Directors and regarding the appointment of its Chairman and his Vice, its members and the assigned members, as well as determining   their salaries, bonuses, their release from their posts,

Article Two

This Decision shall be published by a Law in the Official Gazette, and shall be applicable on the next day of its publication.

Promulgated by the Presidency of the Republic on 7th of Rajab year 1435 Hijri.

( corresponding to the  6th of May 2014 AD)

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