New Investments in Halayeb & Shalateen Area, South Egypt

user Youssry Saleh & Partners calender 24 Mar 2016 views 1827 Views

Official Gazette-No.12 (bis) in 23 March 2014. Decision by the Prime Minister No.489 for the year 2014 The Prime Minister Upon review of the amended constitution promulgated on the eighteenth of January of 2014; and

On the Presidential Decision No.72 for the year 2014 regarding the formation of the Cabinet; and

Based on the presentation of the Minister of Housing and Utilities and Urban Communities;



Article One

A ministerial committee shall be formed, presided by the Prime Minister and with the membership of the following gentleman:

The c.

The Minister of Communications and Information Technology.

Minister of Transportation.

Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation.

Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment.

Minister of Planning and International Cooperation.

Minister of State for Environmental Affairs.

Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources.

Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation.

Minister of Education.

Minister of Youth and Sports.

Minister of Health and Population.

Minister of Housing and Utilities and Urban Communities; as Secretary.

Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy.

A representative of the Ministry of Defense.

And the Committee may seek assistance of whoever may be deemed appropriate to perform its functions.


Article Two

The committee shall be concerned with the following:

1-    Establish a development plan for urgent development of the Bernices’ sector area, in order to attract industrial, touristic, trading, population and agricultural investments.

2-    Activating the development of the Bernices’ triangle area: (Halayeb – Al-Shalteen – Abu Ramad ) by assessment of the needs and requirements that are essential for developing the area; such as (Health – Housing – Agriculture – Media – Supply – Transfer – Water Network – Sanitation – Settlement Units – Paving Roads – Points of Passage – Social Units – Cultural Palaces – Consumer Markets and Bakeries – Youth Centers – Mosques – Schools and Azhar Institutes – Centers for Professional Formation  – Generating Electricity Units – Health Units… etc.) and endeavor its implementation.

3-    Commence activating the prepared detailed plans in Bernices’ sector (Shalaten and Halayeb)

4-    Studying the possibility of establishment of Marine Ports (Commercial Ports – Fishing – Industrial) Air Ports (A Civilian Airport) and also Wilderness Ports to vitalize trade with Sudan and the African countries.


Article three

This Decision shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall be applicable on the next day of its publication.

Promulgated by the Cabinet on 22 Jumada Al Oula of the year 1435 Hijri

(corresponding to 23 March 2014)

     Prime Minister

Eng. Ibrahim Mehleb