Investment Decisions on the export councils

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Al Waqa’ea Al Misreya – No. 83 Cont. (A) on 19th April 2014 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Investment Decision No. (267) for 2014 (councils of small exporters and innovated exports)For reformation of the exportation councils for non-traditional exports

Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment

Upon review of Law No. 118 for 1975 regarding Export and Import and its Executive Regulation issued by the ministerial decision No. 770 for 2005 and their amendments; and

On the Presidential Decision No. 420 for 2005 regulating the Ministry of Trade and Industry; and

On the Presidential Decision No. 72 for 2014 with formation of the Ministry; and

On the Ministerial Decision No. 142 for 2014 regarding formation and regulation of the export councils of the non-traditional exports; and

On the Ministerial Decision No. 143 for 2014 regarding formation of the export councils of the non-traditional exports; and

On the presentation of the councilor of the Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment


(First Article)

The export councils of the non-traditional exports (council of small exporters and innovated exports) shall be reformed as per the pattern mentioned in the list attached to this Decision.

(Second Article)

This Decision shall be published in Al Waqa’ea Al Misreya, and shall be applicable on the date of its issuance.

Issued on 7/4/2014

Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment

Mounir Faihry Abdel Nour

List with the reformation of

the export councils of non-traditional exports

Export Council for agricultural crops

Export Council for Food Industries

Export Council for Garments

Export Council for household furniture

Export Council for Weaving and Textiles 

Export Council for Engineering and Electronic Industries

Export Council for Chemical Industries and Fertilizers

Export Council for building materials, thermals and metal goods

Export Council for Medical Industries

Export Council for Furniture

Export Council for Leather and Leather Products