Understanding decree between Cairo and the EU

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Official Gazette – No. 15 on 10th April 2014 The Higher Council of Armed Forces Dec rial Law No. 44 for the year 2011 Understanding signed in Cairo on 11/10/2010

Between the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the European Union Regarding the Nominal National Program (2011 – 2013)Within the European Neighboring and Partnering Instrument With approval on the Memorandum of

Chief of the Higher Council of Armed Forces

Upon review of the Constitutional Declaration issued on 13//2/2011; and

The Constitutional Declaration issued on 30/3/2011; and

After obtaining approval of the Cabinet;


The Decrial Law, and issued it:

( First Article )

The memorandum of understanding signed in Cairo on 11/2/2010 between the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the European Union, regarding the nominal project (2011 – 2013) within the frame of the European Neighboring and Partnering Instrument is approved, with the preservation to the ratification condition.

( Second Article )

This Decrial Law shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall have the power of the law, and shall be applicable on the next day of its publication.

Issued in Cairo on 6th Jumada Al-Akhera of the year 1432 Hijri

(corresponding to 9th of May 2011)

Chief of the Higher Council of Armed Forces

General / Hussein Tantawy

Summary of the memorandum of understanding

Between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the European Union

Regarding The Nominal National Program 2011 – 2013

First – The frame of cooperation between Egypt and the European group

The prime objective of the neighboring and parenting instrument – the financial instrument of the neighboring policy, is to support the establishment of an area that flourishes with welfare on partnering basis and good neighboring between the European Union and the neighboring partner countries.

The partnering agreement between the European Union and Egypt, represent, along with the work plan of the European neighboring policy, the most important element in the policy’s frame to be used as guidance when setting the program of the renovation process which Egypt is doing and to participate in overcoming obstacles.  In this essence, the response strategy should assist in supporting the execution of Egypt’s reform agenda to improve levels of welfare and guarantee social and economical development of the Egyptian people.  

The memorandum of understanding reflects the support priorities in a way that facilitates the way towards executing the partnering agreement and the work plan for the period from 2011 until 2012, and the memorandum concentrates on a specific number of priorities, taking into consideration the Egyptian reform agenda and the need to achieve harmony with the other policies of the European Union and the conclusions of the sub-committees and the strategic approach for coordination, harmonization and coincidence with the grantors.

The nominal allocations for Egypt, by virtue of the nominal national program, for the period 2011 – 2013 shall be an amount of 449 Million Euro. 

Second – Support priorities for the period from 2011 until 2013

1-  Support the Egyptian reforms in the areas of democracy, human rights and justice management

Cooperation is made in the political reform to support Egypt’s endeavors aiming at reinforcing democracy and the role of law and the human rights and the activities of reinforcing cooperation in the field of justice and renovating and developing public services in addition to accountability, and transparency. It was proposed to add one more component within the frame of this priority, whereby the allocated funds are used to reinforce the legislative and procedural compatibility between Egypt and the European Union.

2-  Improving the competitiveness and productivity of the Egyptian economy

The prime objective is to support the economic reform of the Egyptian government, particularly those reforms aiming at improving competitiveness and productivity of the private sector in an institutional and regulatory environment that is business-favorable. The cooperation shall concentrate on the sectors with ongoing political reforms, and shall cover the possible cooperation fields by supporting the sectors of transport and energy, in addition to reinforcing the support ability in order to liberate trade on a larger scale and to minimize the governing and administrative restrains and reinforce Egypt’s exportation capabilities.

3-  Ensure sustainability of the development process and better management of human and natural resources

The European Commission shall support the Egyptian government in its plan aiming at reform in the field of managing human resources, particularly education and developing local societies.  Support shall be given to the current reform in the field of education, and additional attention shall be given to the vocational training and probing better link between skills and the requirements of the labor market. Sustainability shall be supported in the use of natural resources through reinforcing the systems of water management and wastes and integrated agricultural development and removing mines for the purpose of development and adaptation with potential influences of climatologic changes.


Third – the budget and program stages

Reforms in the fields of democracy, human rights and justice management

–  Support political development and decentralization and encouraging wise governance

–   Development and protection of human rights

–    Supporting renovation of justice management

–  Improving the organizational, institutional and legislative environment.

Improving the competitiveness and productivity of the economy

–   Support the reform in the transportation sector

–   Support the reform in the energy sector

–  Support improving trade

Ensure sustainability of the development process and better management of human and natural resources

–  Support the reform of education, technical education and vocational training

– Support the reform in the water sector

– Support the management of solid wastes

–  Support the development of local society

Fourth – Final provisions

The funding decision shall be subject to the availability of funds and the endorsement of the competent authority responsible for the budget and the opinion of the committee of the relevant European neighboring and partnering Instrument (ENPI)

For the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Fayza Abou El-Naga

Minister of International Cooperation

For the European Commission

Stephan Viol

The commissioner for expansion and neighboring policy