
Investment in Egypt

16 Nov 2022

Company Formation and Registration in Egypt

Due to its strategic location between the East and the West and its vast population, Egypt is considered one of the most attractive destinations for investment. And hence, all investors, startups, and small businesses all over the world who want to open and register a company in Egypt recognize that there is a great investment environment. Read more...

14 Sep 2022

Ownership of real estate in Egypt for foreigners

In the past few years Egypt has taken a new development process by building new urban areas, around 30 cities were newly established. The Egyptian laws and regulations encourage investors to invest and by real estate in Egypt with certain rules and regulations to avoid any monopolization and at the same time it grants foreign investors incentives to motivate them to buy and invest in real estate in Egypt.    Read more...

29 Nov 2023

Egypt: Redemption of Shares

Redemption of shares, which is the repurchase of a company's own shares from its shareholders, is a complex legal procedure that is governed by specific provisions in the Egyptian Companies Law No. 159 of 1981 (the "Companies Law") and its Executive Regulation No. 96 of 1982. Understanding the intricacies of these provisions is crucial for companies considering redeeming their own shares, as it ensures compliance with applicable laws and safeguards the interests of shareholders and creditors. ...

22 Nov 2023

FRA Decree amendment on disclosure requirements exemption

According to the Capital Market Law No. 95 of the year 1992 any interested party may request access to the authority’s documents, and reports related to the company and to obtain certified data or copies thereof, in exchange for fifty pounds for each document or statement in the event of review, and one hundred pounds for each copy. Read more...

15 Nov 2023

Property Registration in Egypt

The registration of real estate is necessary from the outset in order to ensure the validity of the title to the property and to ensure its enforceability against third parties. Read more...

31 Oct 2023

Exception on registering foreign investors in importers’ record in Egypt

Amendment of Law No. 121 of the year 1982 concerning importers’ record Exception on registering foreign investors in importers’ record in Egypt: Breaking barriers, the Egyptian Government is always seeking to facilitate and improve foreign investment regulations to attract foreign investors and furnish facilitations to the already existing foreign investors. A new law has been issued that is set to mark a significant milestone for foreign investors. After years of anticipation, the doors...

10 Oct 2023

Egypt: New GAFI Decree simplifying Corporate Procedures

The General Authority for Investment and Free Zones aims at facilitating investment, and therefore the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Authority issued decree No. 270 of the year 2023. The text of the Decree included dispensing with some of the documents required to be submitted by companies during the filing procedures for the annual General meetings, Board of Directors meetings, Extraordinary Meetings … etc. Article No. (1) of the decree stipulates: “Reducing the number of...

21 Sep 2023

Sports Law in Egypt

The field of sports has evolved from an amateur activity that aims generally to improve physical health and entertain a limited target audience to a professional industry that attracts increasing capital investment and constitutes a source of living for millions of people on the national and international levels. Therefore, Egypt has issued the Egyptian Sports Law No.71 of the Year 2017. The main goal of Egyptian sports law is to provide work controls to ensure better athletic competition in...

27 Aug 2023

The Amendment of the Egyptian investment law

During its plenary session, the House of Representatives, led by Counselor Dr. Hanafi Jabali, accepted a draft law filed by the government to change some articles of the investment law established by Law No. 72 of 2017 by Law No. 160 of 2023. Read more...

9 Aug 2023

Egyptian Judiciary System and Litigation Proceedings

The Civil and Commercial Procedures Law is one of the primary laws upon which the Egyptian Judiciary System is based, as it is considered the general procedural legislation that applies to all lawsuits; however, the Egyptian legislator, as the rest of the trends pursued in the world states, tends to the concept of pluralism of procedural laws regulating proceedings inside the Egyptian courts of law, such as the Criminal Procedures Law, Personal Status Law, State Council Law, Economic Courts...

30 Jul 2023

Egypt: Public Private Partnership -Questionnaire

Does the country have a special act dealing with concessions or a broad statute including the legal framework for Public Private Partnership including concessions? Read more...

10 Jul 2023

Egypt: Amendments to Executive Regulations of the Investment Law

Egypt has become the focus of attention in the recent period, due to the support and development in the investment in Egypt, in all sectors and fields. Investment has been receiving great attention from the state, given that investment is one of the basic elements of the state’s materials. In addition, the President of the Republic always deliberately gives direct confrontations to the competent authorities regarding facilitation of consequences for investors as is evidenced by the issuance...

7 Jun 2023

The Maritime Shipping laws and Regulations in Egypt

Egypt is a country that has a long history of maritime trade and shipping, and, hence, the country has developed a comprehensive legal framework to regulate maritime activates in Egypt. Read more...

11 May 2023

Commercial Litigation in Egypt

Commercial litigation in Egypt concerns all legal claims arising from conduct of traders. The Egyptian Commercial Code No. 17 of the year 1999 defines traders in Article 10 as follows: “The following shall be a trader: 1- Whoever exercises by way of profession, in his name or for his own account, a commercial activity. 2- Each firm assumes one of the forms prescribed in the laws concerning the companies, whatever the purpose for which the firm is established”. Read more...

12 Apr 2023

Telecommunications Law review in Egypt

Communications always play an important role in our daily lives, specifically in force majeure events such as epidemics, where reducing social and physical communication is an essential act to prevent the pandemic’s outbreak, as is the case in light of the coronavirus, whereby telecommunication occupied a significant portion of our daily dealings and interactions-being one of the most secure ways to ensure the permanence of business, and life connections- as relying on communication during...

6 Mar 2023

Merger Control in Egypt

The issue of Corporate Mergers in Egypt is one of the important topics raised practically with the development of economic performance in the country and the increase in commercial competition in the countries of the world, the presence of intercontinental companies, and the increase in competition among them. Read more...

20 Feb 2023

Unfair dismissal in accordance with Egypt’s Labor Law

The Egyptian Labor Law No. 12 of 2003 is primarily in charge of regulating employment matters. Nearly all employment arrangements in Egypt, whether the employer is an Egyptian person or business or includes both Egyptian and foreign employees, are governed by the Labor Law. Read more...

14 Feb 2023


The basis of the financial markets is this straightforward equation- businesses demand credit, and banks financing need collateral to ensure payment. In that sense, banks typically accept immovable properties without hesitation while they become wary of movable assets. Because the majority of their assets are transportable, Small and Medium Enterprises often have limited access to loans. Read more...

4 Jan 2023

Downsizing Business in Egypt

Due to the critical and difficult circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic, most companies downsized their businesses as a result of the economic impact that has negatively affected the majority of businesses. Read more...

22 Dec 2022

Registering and De-registering of Employees in Social Insurance

Social protection systems are institutionalized mechanisms that help individuals to manage social risks or to cushion their impact once they occur and it is an important component of the social contract between a government and its citizens in any country. Read more...

2 Nov 2022

Egypt: Hiring Foreign Workers

Many aliens and companies face a lot of problems when applying for the issue of work permits for foreign labor. This is due to the complicated and prolonged process of procuring work permits in Egypt. In this Article, the executive rules and procedures for putting in for the issue of work permits for employment of aliens, will be briefly demonstrated.   Read more...