Vessels Registration in Egypt

Vessels Registration in Egypt


Egypt enjoys strategic and distinguished location between the two seas, Mediterranean and the Red Sea, which makes Egypt one of the most important international trading arteries. Egypt, with its important transportation

channel-the Suez Canal and large ports of Alexandria, Port Said, Damietta, Safaga, Ain Sokhna etc. is indeed an important hub for shipping.

Shipping companies are one of the most important players in the maritime sector in Egypt, therefore, for the investor to register the vessel, it is important to know and follow the necessary requirements.

Legal Framework

Ship registration in Egypt is governed by Law No. 84 for year 1949.

  • Registration is obligatory for all Egyptian vessels or any other vessel pursuing the Egyptian nationality; and, that is according to the first paragraph of Article 1 from the Maritime Law stipulating: ‘no vessel shall sail holding the Egyptian flag unless it is registered according to the rules of the Maritime Law’.
  • Accordingly, the foreign vessels don’t have to register according to the Egyptian law.
  • The following vessels shall be exempted from registration:
  • Sailing vessels set for fishing, except for the steamers.
  • Excursion vessels with its capacity not exceeding 10 tons, and which do not sail more than 12 miles from the shore (doesn’t exceed the regional water); excursion vessels with capacity more than 10 tons and which go beyond the regional waters must be registered.
  • Facilities working inside ports such as barges, scows, float units, dinghy, locomotives, dredgers, and submarine boats. Registration for the pre-mentioned vessels and facilities is optional (Article 1, para 3, ‘registration is such a case is optional’).
  • The Competent Registration Authority:

The Egyptian Authority for Maritime Safety is the concerned authority regarding the registration, and its main office is in Alexandria and the other offices at the ports. And each registration office shall hold a special register called vessels register, and a copy of it shall be held at the main office in Alexandria.

  • Registration procedures:

The vessel owner who wishes to register his vessel shall submit a request to the concerned administrative authority, which shall include the following:

1- The vessel’s current and previous name(s);

2- The registration port;

3- The vessel’s date of manufacture and the place where it was built;

4- The address of the plant where the vessel was built;

5- The type of the vessel (sailing, mechanical motor);

6- The vessel’s cargo;

7- The name, surname, profession of the owner, or the owners in a co-ownership with clarification of each owner’s share;

8- The captain’s name and the number of his certificate;

9- The collaterals, if any, and its date, and the creditor’s name, surname, profession, and his place of residency;

10- Any execution over the vessel, if any, and all the information related to the execution.

The register must attach the pre-mentioned documents into the request, and also, a certificate from the foreign vessel’s register, if exists, is cancelled.

  • The registration certificate:

Upon finishing the registration process, the administrative authority shall give the vessel owner an Egyptian registration certificate inclusive of all information mentioned at the vessel register, and this certificate shall be the main document proving the vessel’s nationality.

