Obtaining a work Permit in Egypt

user Youssry Saleh & Partners calender 10 Aug 2016 views 7245 Views

Throughout 30 years of experience in providing clients with immigration services in Egypt we found that many foreigners and companies are facing many issues in obtaining work permit in that’s due to the complicated process of receiving work permit in Egypt and involvement of numerous authorities.

Our immigration department assisted many employees in order to obtain the work permit and from our experience the organization and understanding of the process obtaining the work permit will make it much easier on the foreigner/expat and his employer in Egypt.

The first question asked by many employers and foreigners applying for work permit is the timeline. Usually the process of obtaining the work permit in Egypt takes about sixth month.

What are the main documents requested from the expat and employers in order to obtain a work permit in Egypt?

  1. Copy of company commercial register
  2. Valid passport for the employee
  3. 2 copies of tax ID card
  4. 7 passport photos
  5. HIV test
  6. Letter from the employer explaining the importance for hiring a foreigner in this job
  7. Security check
  8. Licenses for practicing profession
  9. 2 copies of company incorporation contract (Articles of Association)
  10. Approval from the authority related to profession
  11. 2 copies of academic degrees such as university certificate
  12. Company representative who will sponsor the work permit

The governmental fees according to the new Decree Number 305 for the year 2015 issued by the Minister of Manpower and Immigration, the governmental fees estimated at 3,200 Egyptian Pounds per year, and the renewals starting from the fourth to the sixth years would cost 5,200 Egyptian Pounds for each year. Fees will then increase by 1,000 Egyptian Pounds, starting from year seven and for every following year with a maximum limit of 12,000 Egyptian Pounds.

Work permits are issued for one year and then it must be renewed. Therefore, our law firm before expiring of the work permits of employee sends the employer a notification in order to start the renewal process.

Also our law firm assists the client in obtaining the work permit by the following:

  1. Providing templates that must be filled by the employer and employee
  2. Assisting the foreigner/expat in the HIV test
  3. Organization and reviewing of documents
  4. Security check
  5. Applying for the work permits and renewing the expired work permits

Before applying for work permits in Egypt in the Ministry of Manpower the foreign employee has to obtain a negative result in the HIV test and also to stay in Egypt till obtaining the results. Also, the employee or foreigner has to get a police clearance (security check clearance). In both requirements Youssry Saleh Law Firm assists the employee or foreigner.

Another one very important notice for employer or companies in Egypt that the number of foreigners working in a company cannot exceed 10% of the total number of workers also the Ministry prohibited foreigners from working in a number of professions in Egypt, including tourist guidance, exports and imports companies.

Youssry Saleh Law Firm immigration department provides the employer and employee with full support till obtaining the work permit in Egypt.