The Ministerial Committee of the Suez Canal Development

user Youssry Saleh & Partners calender 24 Mar 2014 views 1875 Views

Official Gazette – No. 10 bis (C) in 9 March 2014 Decision by the Prime Minister No. 376 for the year 2014 Prime Minister Upon review of the amended constitution promulgated on the eighteenth of January of 2014; and

On the Presidential decision No. 72 for the year 2014 regarding the formation of the Cabinet; and

On the Prime Minister’s decision No. 144 for the year 2014 regarding the Formation of the Ministerial Committee of the Suez Canal Development Project; and

On the Prime Minister’s decision No. 267 for 2013; and

On the Prime Minister’s decision No. 1138 for 2013


( Article One )

The text of Article One of the Prime Minister’s decision No. 144 for the year 2013, replaced by the aforementioned decision 1138 shall be replaced with the following text:

“The Ministerial Committee for the Development of Suez Canal Development Project as an International logistic axis shall be formed, and presided by the Prime Minister, and membership of the following gentlemen:

Minister of Housing and Utilities and Urban Communities

Minister of Transportation

Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment

Minister of Planning and International Cooperation

Minister of Domestic and Administrative Development

Minister of Civil Aviation

Governor of Ismailia

Governor of Port Said

Governor of Suez

Chairman of the Authority of Suez Canal Management

Director of the National Center for planning the use of State Lands

( Article Two )

This Decision shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall be applicable on the next day of publication.

Rendered in the Cabinet on 8 Jumada Al Oula of 1534 H.

 (Corresponding 9 March 2014)

Prime Minister

Eng. Ibrahim Mehleb