Amendments of provisions of Import & Export Law

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Al Waqae’e Al Masria No. 161 (appurtenant)  in 14th of  July 2014 The Ministry of Trade, Industry, Small and Medium Enterprises. Decision No. 540 for the year 2014 Regardingthe addition of a new Article to the attachment (3) of the regulating implementation rules for  the provisions of  Import and Export Law

The Minister of Industry, Trade and Small and Medium Enterprises

Upon review on the Law no. 118 for the year 1975 regarding the  import and export; and

On the Presidential Decision No.311 for the year 2012 regarding the approval on joining the Arab Republic of Egypt  to the  authenticated uniform technical specifications for the wheeled vehicles, equipments and parts which may be installed and used in the wheeled vehicles agreement; and

On the Presidential Decision No.189 for the year 2014 regarding the formation of the Ministry; and

On the Ministerial Decision No. 423 for the year 2005  and its complementary  Ministerial Decisions regarding the commitment of the production according to the standard   specifications; and

On the Ministerial Decision No. 770 for the year 2005 regarding the issuance of the regulating implementation rules for the provisions of the Import and Export Law No.117 for the year 1975 regarding the Import and Export and the system of examination procedures and controlling the imported and exported goods; and

On the Ministerial Decision of Trade and Industry and Investment No. 32 for the year  2014 regarding the application of the provisions of the Ministerial Decision No.423 for the year 2005;

Based on what is presented by the Foreign Trade sector;


(Article One)

Adding a new Article in the attachment of the regulating implementation rules for the provisions of the Import and Export referred to it the following:

Serial The Name of the good Importing conditions 
11 The Products and the goods which are subject to the provisions of the authentication of uniform technical specifications for the wheeled vehicles, equipments and parts which may be installed and used in the wheeled vehicles agreement, and a Presidential Decision No. 311 for the year 2012 is issued as an approval to join it referred to it:–       Gate lockers.–       Headlights (lanterns). –       The hid lamps. –       Speedometers. –       Pneumatic tires. –       Brake (brake). –       Alarm machines. –       Exhaust purifiers. –       Means of indirect vision (mirrors). To release it the following is required:1-    Presenting a comfort production certificate  valid for the manufactory which is the producer. This certificate is issued by one of the approved authorities of any of the contracting countries on the agreement or any authenticated and ratified  photocopy of it.  2-    Presenting an approval  certificate on the type for every labeled issued by one of the approved authorities of any of the contracting countries on the agreement or any authenticated and ratified  photocopy of it.   The importer shall present these two certificates once. According to this one time; the importation  bases on it along the term of its validity.

Presenting the referred certificates to the General Organization for Export and Import Control and the authority shall hold a record for the presented certificates from every importer and follow up its validity and authenticity with the issuance authorities , and in case of proving  presenting the importer wrong certificates, the Foreign Trade sector shall be notified  in order to take the legal procedures .

The virtual examination is  sufficient for the letters that meet these conditions with its subject to the random examination rules.

(Article Two)

This Decision shall be Published in Al Waqaee al Masria, and shall be applicable after a month from its publication.  

Dated on the12th  of  July 2014.

The Minister of TradeIndustrySmall and Medium Enterprises

Moneer Fakhry Abd Al Nour