Supply of Materials for Nuclear Energy Sector in Egypt

Supply of Materials for Nuclear Energy Sector in Egypt

Nuclear Power plant

Egypt has been working on developing its nuclear energy capabilities in recent years, with plans to construct its first nuclear power plant at the El-Dabaa site on the Mediterranean coast. However, the country is facing some challenges in securing the necessary materials and components to support its nuclear energy ambition.

Key Nuclear Energy Legislation in Egypt

The main piece of legislation governing Egypt’s nuclear activities is the Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Law No. 7 of the Year  2010 and its Executive Regulations No.1326 of the Year 2011, in addition to Law No.209 of the Year 2017 regarding “Establishing an executive body to supervise projects for constructing nuclear power plants” and Law No.196 of the Year 1977 regarding “Establishment of the Nuclear Materials Authority” and The Executive Regulation of the Environmental Law No.338 of the Year 1995.

Role of the Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (ENRRA)

Egypt’s nuclear energy activities are overseen by the Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (ENRRA). ENRRA is responsible for issuing licenses and permits related to the construction, operation, and decommissioning of nuclear facilities.

Procedures involve submitting detailed applications, safety assessments, environmental impact studies, and meeting various regulatory requirements.

Furthermore, much of the specialized equipment and components required for nuclear reactor construction and operation need to be imported, as Egypt’s domestic manufacturing capabilities in this sector are still limited.

Material and Equipment Imports for Nuclear Energy Projects

Egypt relies on imports to supply the required materials, components, and equipment for its nuclear energy program.

Key materials include reactor pressure vessels, steam generators, fuel assemblies, control rod drive mechanisms, and other specialized nuclear-grade parts. Egypt has worked to develop local supply chains and industrial partnerships to localize some aspects of nuclear component manufacturing. However, the country still depends on foreign suppliers for many critical parts. Procurement often involves working with international vendors, suppliers, and service providers that have experience in the global nuclear industry.

Uranium Supply for Nuclear Reactors

Uranium is the main sector for nuclear reactors, Egypt does not have significant domestic uranium resources and relies on imports to fuel its nuclear program. The country has explored potential uranium deposits within its borders, but commercial-scale extraction has not yet been established.

Egypt has supply agreements in place with uranium exporting countries like Russia and Canada to import the necessary uranium for its nuclear power plant operations.

Procurement Procedures for Nuclear Materials

Moreover, according to the Procedures for Procurement, The NPPA “Nuclear Power Plants Authority” is also responsible for planning and coordinating the procurement of materials, equipment, and services required for the nuclear energy program. Procurement follows standard government procurement procedures, including public tendering, pre-qualification of suppliers, and technical and commercial evaluation.

Special security and safety requirements apply to the procurement of nuclear-specific materials and technologies. End-use verification and export control measures are implemented to ensure compliance with international nonproliferation commitments.

According to the Safeguards and Security:

Egypt has signed comprehensive safeguards agreements with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This requires Egypt to report on and allow verification of its nuclear activities and material to ensure peaceful use.

Egypt has also enacted laws and regulations to ensure physical protection and security of nuclear facilities and materials.

There are strict requirements for accounting, control, and physical protection measures to prevent theft, sabotage or unauthorized access.

As per Article No.61 of the Executive Regulation No.1326 of the Year 2011, the following conditions must be met to obtain approval to import or export radioactive sources and radioactive materials:

  • Obtaining a license to trade and use the radioactive sources and radioactive materials to be imported or exported, or obtaining an operating license for gamma irradiation facilities, electronic and ion accelerators.
  • Submitting all technical data on the device to be imported or exported and its accessories that will contain the radioactive sources and radioactive materials, and obtaining the Authority’s approval that conforms to safety specifications.
  • Radiation protection procedures and requirements must be implemented by an expert or an approved protection officer registered in the Authority’s special records, and the technical regulations issued by the Authority shall specify his obligations.
  • Submitting evidence of the position of the entity requesting approval regarding the radioactive sources and radioactive materials that have expired or have been disposed of, whether by re-exporting them to the entity from which they were imported or disposing of them through a radioactive waste management facility.


Egypt’s nuclear energy strategy is influenced by regulatory frameworks, technological limitations, and international collaborations. Overcoming these challenges is essential to maintain a secure and sustainable supply of materials, ensuring the successful development of the nuclear sector. Continued focus on legislative compliance and partnerships will help Egypt achieve its long-term energy goals.

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